Refuse 2018 acrylic, metal, vinyl and wood Recreational Grounds II, Wendover House Ground Floor Car Park, London

Lament 2018 painted wood Recreational Grounds II, Wendover House Ground Floor Car Park, London

Flock 2018 fabric, vinyl and wood Recreational Grounds II, Wendover House Ground Floor Car Park, London

18B25 2018 metal, paint and string Recreational Grounds II, Wendover House Ground Floor Car Park, London

‘These objects all originally had a purpose. They supported, held and contained. Redundant then discarded and found on south London streets the materials are re-presented here as a comment on their environment. Now reconfigured, they respond to it. The works allude to familial groups, home, protest, property and ambiguity. This is perhaps their last hurrah.’ Nicky Hirst

18B25 2018 + Refuse 2018 studio detail